Join the DeSoto
Dining & Dialogue Board
for a:
Dinner Event
January 13, 2024 6:30pm
Free dinner event for anyone who lives or works in DeSoto and would like meet your neighbors and make DeSoto a great place to live, work and play.
The purpose of DeSoto Dining & Dialogue (DDD) is to bring together a group of strangers who all have something in common. They all live or work in DeSoto and care about their community. DDD is a volunteer-run organization that provides individuals of all ages (including high school students) the opportunity to get to know one another and discuss issues facing our community at dinner events with 8 to 10 participants led by a trained facilitator.
Before COVID changed our way of interaction with our neighbors, these dinners were held twice a year in private homes around the city on one night or in joint dinners with all participants in one location. We want to return to our “roots” and will hold the January 13th dinner event in homes of DeSoto residents who have volunteered to invite the DeSoto Dining & Dialogue participants in to their homes.
The DeSoto Dining & Dialogue Board of Directors is a citizen volunteer board and we need the support and participation of our community to be successful. The board would like to invite you to attend this dinner event on January 13, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm..
Please follow the link below to register or call 972.230.9648 or email kathy.jones@desototexas.gov
to RSVP or for more information.