About DeSoto Dinning & Dialogue
Connecting Neighbors.
DeSoto Dining and Dialogue is a volunteer group of DeSoto citizens who seek to improve the quality of life by bringing together groups of people who live or work in DeSoto over dinner to get to know one another and to build a strong community. The DeSoto Dining and Dialouge program believes this is essential for a dynamic and thriving city.
DeSoto Dining and Dialogue is a 501(C)(3) Organization.
FREE Dinner Events
DeSoto Dining and Dialogue dinner events are hosted twice a year in private homes, restaurants or other facilities all over the city on the same night. Each dinner is attended by guests of diverse backgrounds. Guests are discouraged from focusing on politics. Rather, the dinners are designed to encourage cross-cultural communications and common community purpose.
The dinners are intended to:
• Build open lines of communication among a diverse base of DeSoto citizens
• Inform participants about the perspectives held by others in their community
• Encourage a deeper understanding of and a greater participation in issues of mutual concern
Our Mission:
“In harmony with the City’s vision, DeSoto Dining and Dialogue arranges for DeSoto Citizens to have dinner and conversation so that they can build a sense of community and common purpose.”
~Adopted June 30, 2008 by the Board of DDD.
The DDD program was instrumental in the City of DeSoto winning the title of All-America City. Given by the National Civic League, the All-America City award is the oldest community recognition program in the nation and recognizes communities whose citizens work together to identify and tackle community-wide challenges and achieve uncommon results. DeSoto is the only North Central Texas city south of the Trinity River to have earned the title of All-America City and the first since Plano won the same distinction in 1994!